This came across my feed shortly after reading your latest musings. I would give anything to be in a recycled boat in Paris or anywhere that isn't the U$A right about now: https://youtu.be/hiSjH9bk6bI

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Querido Jim, disfruto mucho de tus artículos, me alegra saberlos bien en París en esta nueva aventura vital; es muy interesante leer sobre los contrastes entre tu país y Europa y la manera como asumes el cambio y la transformación. Les mando a ti y a Jim un fuerte abrazo desde Bogotá! Yamile

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Thanks Jim! I love your ponderings and musings! I look forward to reading more about your journey. I’m still working in educational and professional theater, now in South Florida. Your teachings will always be apart of everything I do in theater. I am extremely grateful to know and have worked with you and Jairo!

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